Response to Hideyo's Analysis:
You are right that fighting HIV/AIDS is going to require costs to us in the West. I wonder how often we are actually aware of that. While we are not necessarily playing a zero-sum game in terms of costs and benefits, some sacrifice will need to be made. I like the practical question you ask of churches: "are we as churches willing to sacrifice buying a multi-channel sound board, and instead opt to support World Vision's work against HIV/AIDS?" It is sobering to remember that in churches we are really no different than the rest of the world. We want fancier equipment. We want better facilities for our kids and ourselves. I hope that does not come across as overly critical, just a sobering reminder. I wish I saw more churches doing something for World AIDS Day, but I don't. Again, I don't think it's because people don't want to care, but AIDS is not a reality for many people in our churches, especially if they are not in urban settings. Out of sight, out of mind. And therein is one of our main challenges: awareness. When the terrorists attacked on September 11, or when Hurricane Katrina hit, the churches in the US responded and responded with gusto. We can do something similar for AIDS. Perhaps there will be compassion fatigue, but we have to do something. I'm done preaching.
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