Monday, November 07, 2005

Response to Hideyo's Week 6 Analysis

You raise an interesting set of questions. I find it interesting that we both looked at the same chapters, tried to apply them to our area, and seemingly came up with different conclusions. I think you are right to wonder where the international support for HIV/AIDS is? You ask, "Where is the global economy when it comes to global health crises? Where is the international community?" While I hear saddness in your tone, I came from to rather hopeful conclusions. I found the discussion about international regimes, especially concerning human rights, very encouraging. The different groups like Amnesty International and The Mothers of the Disappeared, and their influence on governments gives me hope that there are opportunities for the international community to fight HIV. You said that the MDGs may be an example of the international community to work together. I agree.

That is not to say your lament or concern is invalid. In fact, I found it to be necessarily sobering. As I read the reports and prospectuses (sp?) of different organizations, I can forget how far we need to go in this battle. At this point, I would say that we are losing in the fight against HIV/AIDS. As I have found hope in victory, I also forget the great costs it will take to win this fight. I think that the sobering prophetic call that you voiced this week teamed with the hopeful encouragement I expressed is the right mix needed to address this issue with the respect it deserves. We cannot be naively hopeful nor can we allow ourselves to despair. I think we will need an eschatological outlook in order to know how to proceed and to have any sense of hope.


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